Ibai Discord Server [Spanish Community]

Born on 26 March 1995, Ibai Llanos Garatea is a Spanish internet celebrity, content creator, and streamer. he has been casting for years and has built a fanbase of over 11 million followers on his Twitch account.

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Now the celebrity streams almost every day and makes content for all of his fans to enjoy on his YouTube channel. The Spanish-speaking community around his content has grown immensely over the past years and so to accommodate them, Ibai has made a Discord group for all of them to unite in.

To be able to join this Discord server by Ibai, you can scroll below and check out the details.

Ibai Discord Server 2024:

Ibai’s Discord server for you to join and become a part of today:

Members: 482,466
Name: Ibai

Server oficial de Don Ibai Llanos entra y pásatelo bien

More About The Ibai Discord:

With over 482,000 people on the Discord server by Ibai, it has definitely secured its place as one of the largest servers that have been created by Twitch streamers.

Is Ibai in The Discord Server?

If you are looking to contact Ibai about any concerns you may have or just want to thank him for his content, you can find him usually having a good time with moderators on the Discord server when he is online.

However, please note that as he receives hundreds of direct messages every day, he may not be able to reply to your DM if you end up sending him one.

If your message is important enough, you can go ahead and contact the moderators on the Ibai Discord server by messaging them as they can relay it to Ibai himself.

Read More About Tommyinnit’s Discord


The language used within this Discord server by Ibai is Spanish. This is because all of his content, whether it be on YouTube or Twitch, has been crafted to target Spanish-speaking communities. If you go into the Discord server and text in other languages, there is a high chance you will get a warning from the moderators of the Discord de Ibai.