Beat Saber Discord Servers 2024 [Most Active]

beat saber discord

Beat Saber is a Virtual Reality rhythmic game that has been developed and published by Beat Games in the country Czech. The game has seen a massive boom in its player base since its release and now has millions of people playing the game worldwide almost every single day.

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Enthusiasts of beat saber have created discord servers around the game to create a Beat Saber community that is welcoming and friendly so that people from around the world can band together to share a common interest. You can scroll below to know more about the game Beat Saber and check out all the most active best saber Discord servers as of right now!

Beat Saber Discord Servers 2024

Presented to you, here is a list of all the Beat Saber Discord Servers active as of right now.

English (USA + UK)

The English-speaking community is by far the largest community when it comes to Beat Saber Discord servers. They have people from all around the world who are looking to have fun.

Members: 6,279
Name: McDonalds

This is only a server I made for my Twitch channel as a top player on beat saber.

Members: 865
Name: Bean Saber Cult

Beat Saber is our life, BEANS are our God! We observe BEANS in numerous dialects now!

Members: 257
Name: Slicers

Just declared the Summer 2024 competition for beat saber! Join for more information! Extremely accommodating pack, needing to help other people mod and accomplish their objectives inside beat saber!

Members: 316
Name: Rhythm Gamers

Welcome to Rhythm Gamers! This server is for individuals who appreciate playing musicality/music games or watching individuals play them.

Members: 455

BLUE HEAVEN is a community of VR Gamers, streamers and anime nerds.

Members: 376
Name: Beat Saber World

Come join this server for party rooms, Beat Saber and mod updates, General Beat Saber visit, Challenges, Minigames and the sky is the limit from there!

German (Germany)

They welcome people who speak German from around the world and are looking to grow as a community.

Members: 446
Name: Beat Saber Germany

A server created for the german Beat Saber community. People from other countries are welcome as well!

Portuguese (Brazil)

The Brazilian community has strict rules that apply to every individual but they are a good sport!

Members: 233
Name: Beat Saber Brasil

Comunidade Brasileira de Beat Saber

Dutch (Netherlands)

The community might be small, but the people are friendly and more active than any other country.

Members: 486
Name: Nederlandse Beat Saber Groep

De Nederlandse Beat Saber Groep (NBSG) is een server waar NL mensen samen komen om Beat Saber groter te maken.

More Information About Beat Saber Discord:

After originally being released on May 1, 2018, the Beat Saber player base has grown from 0 players to a whopping 4 million people who have bought a copy of Beat Saber according to Facebook. This game has taken over the gaming VR space and continues to be a giant in the industry.

With this amount of people looking to play the game comes a loyal community of the game Beat Saber which plays the game regularly. Hence these Discord servers have come into existence since people want to play together. You can join voice chats or even use text channels dedicated to this game or Virtual Reality, in general, to know about more games you can play.

Read More: FFRK Discord

In Beat Saber, you have to hit blocks with arrows drawn in the direction to hit them on top of them. After you hit these boxes, a music note is played, and if you hit enough boxes, you can play a whole song that plays from finish to the end and gets harder and harder as the game proceeds.

Who Plays in the Beat Saber Discord Servers?

There are thousands of people actively playing on the Discord servers including the best Beat Saber player as of right now who is also known for his twitch live streams. You can catch him playing on the above-mentioned “McDonalds” Discord server.


There are people from around the world in the Beat Saber Discords but most of these servers follow a policy of speaking English only.

Although, you can find Discord servers of Beat Saber that also allow the use of other languages or are simply just Discord servers that only follow a specific server other than English. Of course, these Beat Saber servers have been highlighted under their language category above.

Read More: Math Discord

Rules and Regulations in the Beat Saber Discord Servers

The Beat Saber Discord community is extremely friendly and welcoming as long as you follow the rules that have been set forth. Every server has a different set of rules so you will need to go ahead and read them thoroughly at least once in order to get the best chances of not being kicked out.

Give them a quick read when you join one of the Beat Saber Discord servers and make sure to follow them.